My friend Britt mentioned today that he was about to launch How exciting! But I don't understand Japanese. If only I could easily translate all those tweets in languages I don't understand.
I played around with Google's new
AJAX Translation API
and I wondered how hard it would be to use that from a
GreaseMonkey script. The
answer: hard. I'm not sure what the exact problem was but every way I
tried to include Google's APIs into the pages I was manipulating,
including creating my own iframe
and using
failed. In the end I used a static proxy
html file (hosted in one of my Amazon S3 buckets for cheap efficiency)
with some sneaky cross-site communication (the request goes over in
location.hash, the response comes back in
My script is now up on twitlator.user.js
To use it simply go to a page listing a bunch of tweets, like the public timeline and find a tweet in a language you don't under stand. For example:
Click the translate! link and several moments later you've got:
Yep. People aren't posting anything interesting in Japanese either.
I'm pretty sure my script will only work on
Firefox 3. I'm using getElementsByClassName
which I think wasn't
introduced until Firefox 3. Why aren't you running it already?