Horse Meat


I like horse meat. It's delicious and healthy. And not so different from beef. I'm really enjoying watching the unfolding European horse meat scandal. Even countries like France where horse is regularly eaten are outraged that they've been lied to.

A madrinha alerta

The scandal has exposed the complicated supply chain in the European cheap meat trade. It's exposed other lovely facts like that a "beef burger" in the UK only needs to be 47% beef. What's the rest of it? Pretty much anything, but generally protein powder and highly processed meat off-cuts.

In the 1990s the UK banned mechanically recovered meat, commonly referred to as "pink slime", after it was linked to the spread of CJD, the human form of mad cow disease. Pink slime was replaced by "de-sinewed meat" in cheap meat products until last year when it was reclassified and no longer allowed in cheap burgers. The way I look at it, this means, since we're in the process of eliminating pink slime, we're about 15 years away from this scandal here in the US.

I think it's great whenever people are exposed to their food chain. We need to demand more accountability, transparency and integrity. If that means we can't afford to eat meat every day, but the meat we do it is of higher quality then that's a fine outcome.

I'd go so far as to say I'm Lovin' It.