Flash Development with Flex Builder


Dear Lazyweb, I've started doing Flash and Flex development. For me the Flex Builder IDE is significantly better than the Flash CS4 IDE, but when you build a SWF in Flex Builder it includes all of the MX widgetry. That's too heavyweight for building simple Flash applets. Is it possible to get around that so I can use Flex Builder for my non-visual Flash development without bringing in MX?

Update: David Zuckerman a Flex Builder Developer dropped in to provide this invaluable advice:

Hey Ian, have you tried an ActionScript project in Flex Builder? It sheds most of the Flex weight, but you’ll still need to modify your project settings. In your setttings, go to the “ActionScript Build Path” tab, and open up the Flex SDK that’s listed there. Remove everything but playerglobal.swc (you can keep utilities.swc if you want). That should give you just the language definition, and none of Flex

I haven't moved the project over to this fully but it looks like it works perfectly. Thanks David!