2012, The Year of the Linux Personal Computer


2012 Q3 PC sales: 87.5M 2012 Q3 Android sales: 122.5M

For sure, many would-be PC buyers were waiting for Windows 8 and refreshed models that were waiting for Windows 8 to be released, but that still means that last quarter 1.4 times as many Linux computers were sold than Windows computers.

You might try to argue that an Android device isn't a personal computer, but apart from writing software, everything I do on my computer I do on my Android devices. You might argue that Android isn't "Linux" enough, but it's certainly largely open source and runs a Linux kernel. There's plenty I don't like about the way Android is put together compared to a traditional stock Unix system, but hey, look at the numbers - 122.5M Linux computer shipped last quarter. That's a whole lot of Freedom!